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First Project

Create a Qt GUI application with either Qt creator or other supported IDE.

Initialize QCefContext instance

To consume QCefView, the first step is to initialize an instance of QCefContext. This is like the QApplication, there must be only one instance of QCefContext in the application lifecycle.

#include <QApplication>
#include <QCefContext.h>
#include "MainWindow.h"

main(int argc, char* argv[])
// create QApplication instance
QApplication a(argc, argv);

// build QCefConfig
QCefConfig config;
// set user agent
// set log level
// set JSBridge object name (default value is QCefViewClient)
// port for remote debugging (default is 0 and means to disable remote debugging)
// set background color for all browsers
// (QCefSetting.setBackgroundColor will overwrite this value for specified browser instance)

// WindowlessRenderingEnabled is set to true by default,
// set to false to disable the OSR mode

// add command line args, you can any cef supported switches or parameters
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("disable-gpu");
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("enable-media-stream");
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("allow-file-access-from-files");
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("disable-spell-checking");
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("disable-site-isolation-trials");
// config.addCommandLineSwitch("enable-aggressive-domstorage-flushing");
config.addCommandLineSwitchWithValue("renderer-process-limit", "1");
// config.addCommandLineSwitchWithValue("disable-features", "BlinkGenPropertyTrees,TranslateUI,site-per-process");

// create QCefContext instance with config,
// the lifecycle of cefContext must be the same as QApplication instance
QCefContext cefContext(&a, argc, argv, &config);

// application window
MainWindow w;;

// flying
return a.exec();

As you can see we need a QCefConfig to initialize the QCefContext. You could set some global parameters of CEF with QCefConfig instance, for example the log level, user agent name and debugging port. For more details please refer to the QCefConfig references.

Do not try to destruct the QCefContext instance explicitly or you will break the lifecycle of the CEF stuff.

Create QCefView Instance

Once you have initialize QCefContext, you can create QCefView instance.

  // build settings for per QCefView
QCefSetting setting;
// here we just set the default background to blue
setting.setBackgroundColor(QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 255));

// create the QCefView widget and add it to the layout container
cefViewWidget = new QCefView(uri, &setting, this);

Create a simple web page

Create a simple web page with the following content:

<body id="main" class="noselect">
<h1 align="center" style="font-size: 12pt">Web Area</h1>

Run the application

Now lets run the application.

First Project