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Load WebApp Resource

To load the web resource, QCefView provide 4 methods to achieve it.

1. Load Online Web Resource

You can pass the full URL of the webpage to the constructor of QCefView.

  // build settings for per QCefView
QCefSetting setting;

// create the QCefView widget and add it to the layout container
QCefView* cefView = new QCefView("", &setting, nullptr);

2. Load Local File With File Path

Pass the absolute file path of the web resource file to the constructor of QCefView. Note the file path must be started by "file://" schema.

  // build the path to the web resource
QDir dir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString webResourceDir = QString("file://") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.filePath("webres/index.html"));

// build settings for per QCefView
QCefSetting setting;

// create the QCefView widget and add it to the layout container
QCefView* cefView = new QCefView(INDEX_URL, &setting, nullptr);

3. Add Local Folder Mapping

If you need to load the entire WebApp output folder, you can choose to add a local folder mapping item with the following method:

public void addLocalFolderResource(const QString & path,const QString & url,int priority)

For example, you build the WebApp project and get the output folder webres, the folder structure is as follows:

│ index.html

You can add a mapping item with the following code:

 // add a local folder to URL map
"https://domainname" // This could be any URL you need

// build settings for per QCefView
QCefSetting setting;

// create the QCefView widget and add it to the layout container
QCefView* cefView = new QCefView(

After added the mapping item, you can access all the resource with the URL root appended by the resource relative path.

4. Add Local Archive Mapping

The resource mapping can also be URL to archive file, add it with the following method:

public void addArchiveResource(const QString & path,const QString & url,const QString & password)

You need to keep the folder structure in the archive file, for example:

│ index.html

You can add a mapping item with the following code:

 // add a local zip file to URL map
"password" // pass the password of the zip file if needed

// build settings for per QCefView
QCefSetting setting;

// create the QCefView widget and add it to the layout container
QCefView* cefView = new QCefView(

Use Cases

The above 3 & 4 are very useful when you develop your WebApp with the popular framework like React, Vue or some others, especially you are building SPA WebApp.