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class QCefSetting

Represents the settings for individual browser.


public QCefSetting()Constructs the QCefSetting instance.
public QCefSetting(const QCefSetting & other)Constructs the QCefSetting instance from existing one.
public QCefSetting&operator=(const QCefSetting & other)Assigns the existing QCefSetting instance to current.
public ~QCefSetting()Destructs the instance.
public void setWindowInitialSize(const QSize & size)Sets the initial size of the browser.
public const QSize windowInitialSize() constGets the initial size of the browser.
public void setStandardFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the standard font family.
public const QString standardFontFamily() constGets the standard font family.
public void setFixedFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the fixed font family.
public const QString fixedFontFamily() constGets the fixed font family.
public void setSerifFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the serif font family.
public const QString serifFontFamily() constGets the serif font family.
public void setSansSerifFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the sans serif font family.
public const QString sansSerifFontFamily() constGets the sans serif font family.
public void setCursiveFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the cursive font family.
public const QString cursiveFontFamily() constGets the cursive font family.
public void setFantasyFontFamily(const QString & value)Sets the fantasy font family.
public const QString fantasyFontFamily() constGets the fantasy font family.
public void setDefaultEncoding(const QString & value)Sets the default encoding.
public const QString defaultEncoding() constGets the default encoding.
public void setWindowlessFrameRate(const int value)Sets the frame rate in window less mode.
public const QVariant windowlessFrameRate() constGets the frame rate in window less mode.
public void setDefaultFontSize(const int value)Sets the default font size.
public const QVariant defaultFontSize() constGets the default font size.
public void setDefaultFixedFontSize(const int value)Sets the default fixed font size.
public const QVariant defaultFixedFontSize() constGets the default fixed font size.
public void setMinimumFontSize(const int value)Sets the minimum font size.
public const QVariant minimumFontSize() constGets the minimum font size.
public void setMinimumLogicalFontSize(const int value)Sets the minimum logical font size.
public const QVariant minimumLogicalFontSize() constGets the minimum logical font size.
public void setRemoteFonts(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable remote fonts.
public const QVariant remoteFonts() constGets whether to enable or disable the remote fonts.
public void setJavascript(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable Javascript.
public const QVariant javascript() constGets whether to enable or disable Javascript.
public void setJavascriptCloseWindows(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the permission of closing window from Javascript.
public const QVariant javascriptCloseWindows() constGets whether to enable or disable the permission of closing window from Javascript.
public void setJavascriptAccessClipboard(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the permission of accessing clipboard from Javascript.
public const QVariant javascriptAccessClipboard() constGets whether to enable or disable the permission of accessing clipboard from Javascript.
public void setJavascriptDomPaste(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the permission of pasting DOM in Javascript.
public const QVariant javascriptDomPaste() constGets whether to enable or disable the permission of pasting DOM in Javascript.
public void setImageLoading(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the permission of loading images.
public const QVariant imageLoading() constGets whether to enable or disable the permission of loading images.
public void setImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the shrinking image standalone to fit.
public const QVariant imageShrinkStandaloneToFit() constGets whether to enable or disable the shrinking image standalone to fit.
public void setTextAreaResize(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable the resizing of text area.
public const QVariant textAreaResize() constGets whether to enable or disable the resizing of text area.
public void setTabToLinks(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable tab to links.
public const QVariant tabToLinks() constGets whether to enable or disable tab to links.
public void setLocalStorage(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable local storage.
public const QVariant localStorage() constGets whether to enable or disable local storage.
public void setDatabases(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable database.
public const QVariant databases() constGets whether to enable or disable database.
public void setWebGL(const bool value)Sets to enable or disable webGL.
public const QVariant webGL() constGets whether to enable or disable webGL.
public void setBackgroundColor(const QColor & value)Sets the background color.
public const QVariant backgroundColor() constGets the background color.
private QScopedPointer< QCefSettingPrivate > d_ptr


public QCefSetting()

Constructs the QCefSetting instance.

public QCefSetting(const QCefSetting & other)

Constructs the QCefSetting instance from existing one.


public QCefSetting&operator=(const QCefSetting & other)

Assigns the existing QCefSetting instance to current.


  • other

public ~QCefSetting()

Destructs the instance.

public void setWindowInitialSize(const QSize & size)

Sets the initial size of the browser.


  • size The initial size

public const QSize windowInitialSize() const

Gets the initial size of the browser.


public void setStandardFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the standard font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString standardFontFamily() const

Gets the standard font family.


The font family

public void setFixedFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the fixed font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString fixedFontFamily() const

Gets the fixed font family.


The font family

public void setSerifFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the serif font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString serifFontFamily() const

Gets the serif font family.


The font family

public void setSansSerifFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the sans serif font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString sansSerifFontFamily() const

Gets the sans serif font family.


The font family

public void setCursiveFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the cursive font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString cursiveFontFamily() const

Gets the cursive font family.


The font family

public void setFantasyFontFamily(const QString & value)

Sets the fantasy font family.


  • value The font family

public const QString fantasyFontFamily() const

Gets the fantasy font family.


The font family

public void setDefaultEncoding(const QString & value)

Sets the default encoding.


  • value The encoding name

public const QString defaultEncoding() const

Gets the default encoding.


The encoding name

public void setWindowlessFrameRate(const int value)

Sets the frame rate in window less mode.


  • value The frame rate

public const QVariant windowlessFrameRate() const

Gets the frame rate in window less mode.


The frame rate

public void setDefaultFontSize(const int value)

Sets the default font size.


  • value The font size

public const QVariant defaultFontSize() const

Gets the default font size.


The font size

public void setDefaultFixedFontSize(const int value)

Sets the default fixed font size.


  • value The font size

public const QVariant defaultFixedFontSize() const

Gets the default fixed font size.


The font size

public void setMinimumFontSize(const int value)

Sets the minimum font size.


  • value The font size

public const QVariant minimumFontSize() const

Gets the minimum font size.


The font size

public void setMinimumLogicalFontSize(const int value)

Sets the minimum logical font size.


  • value The font size

public const QVariant minimumLogicalFontSize() const

Gets the minimum logical font size.


The font size

public void setRemoteFonts(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable remote fonts.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant remoteFonts() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the remote fonts.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setJavascript(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable Javascript.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant javascript() const

Gets whether to enable or disable Javascript.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setJavascriptCloseWindows(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the permission of closing window from Javascript.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant javascriptCloseWindows() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the permission of closing window from Javascript.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setJavascriptAccessClipboard(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the permission of accessing clipboard from Javascript.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant javascriptAccessClipboard() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the permission of accessing clipboard from Javascript.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setJavascriptDomPaste(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the permission of pasting DOM in Javascript.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant javascriptDomPaste() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the permission of pasting DOM in Javascript.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setImageLoading(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the permission of loading images.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant imageLoading() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the permission of loading images.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the shrinking image standalone to fit.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant imageShrinkStandaloneToFit() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the shrinking image standalone to fit.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setTextAreaResize(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable the resizing of text area.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant textAreaResize() const

Gets whether to enable or disable the resizing of text area.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setTabToLinks(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable tab to links.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant tabToLinks() const

Gets whether to enable or disable tab to links.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setLocalStorage(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable local storage.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant localStorage() const

Gets whether to enable or disable local storage.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setDatabases(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable database.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant databases() const

Gets whether to enable or disable database.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setWebGL(const bool value)

Sets to enable or disable webGL.


  • value True to enable; false to disable

public const QVariant webGL() const

Gets whether to enable or disable webGL.


True to enable; false to disable

public void setBackgroundColor(const QColor & value)

Sets the background color.


  • value The color

This only works if the web page has no background color set. The alpha component value will be adjusted to 0 or 255, it means if you pass a value with alpha value in the range of [1, 255], it will be accepted as 255. The default value is inherited from QCefConfig::backgroundColor()

public const QVariant backgroundColor() const

Gets the background color.


The color

private QScopedPointer< QCefSettingPrivate > d_ptr